Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bapu Kehnda... Tension Nai Laini !!

One of my very dear friends keeps reciting the above phrase. And I keep on thinking, does saying it really helps? The whole fucking environment around us is filled with rage, tension, stress and god knows what all other negative stuff. Everywhere you go, everywhere you see there is someone hitting someone, either literally or emotionally.  So how do you really escape from the entire high tension environment? Well.. Here is my take on it.

Saying it helps. It definitely does!! Continuously saying the above phrase will actually help you cool your temper, I have tried it and it has worked for me. On numerous occasions, while driving, while in a disagreement at work or even in a friendly fight which was about to turn ugly. It brings the temperature down and helps cool you down and even the other party involved in the conflict. Try it. You never know it might just work for you.

Whenever in a conflict ask yourself the question, the quintessential question, What Am I Getting from This?  Is your car hit, The damage is already done, you cannot turn back time and go back on the decision of taking/not taking that turn to avoid the accident, so..once again.. the damage is already done. So why the FUCK are you engaging yourself in the fist fight, I am not saying be like Gandhi Ji and say Koi na yaar chal chadd de, ho gaaya hun... jaan de.. There are other ways to show your aggression. Even an eye can do the job. People usually underestimate the power of the stare/glare. Use your glair instead of your voice. Try This. At least once and see how well it works.
Imagery is another very effective method, what basically it means is think and visualize something nice, someplace nice, a happy place which will bring down the temper, My advice, don’t start using it when you are driving :-P, not a good place to imagine things when the road requires all your attention, however this can be used in office tension situations, had a fight with your boss. Come to your seat/cubicle/desk and sit and breathe.. Breathe some more.. . Then relax your muscles and close your eyes for a min, imagine that Goa vacation that you took, that scene at Baga Beach, sitting at the English cafe with that Tuborg Bottle and seeing the sunset through the green bottle. And WHAM !! There goes your tension. I like this technique. What it does is, apart from relieving the tension, it also tells me what I am really working for. My Goal.. :-D

Music.. The Ultimate stress reliever. My Funda.. When In Doubt/Tension, Go to the MusicLand. Take that smartphone/ipod/mp3 player/walkman(Really.. U still Using those :-P) and take a dive into the musicland. Its Bloody AWESUM !! Anything that you enjoy, smooth, light, fast, disco, rap bloody hell it can be anything. I believe it’s a myth that only a particular kind of music can soothe you and your temper, Its Music. ANY KIND OF MUSIC. Just put those earphones on and hit play. 5 mins and you are lost, you wouldn’t even remember what were you thinking and why did u start the music. Its that good.

I can go on and on with many more techniques, however I believe in the above three very much. I have tried all of them and they work for me. I don’t know if they will work for you or not, however I am sure they will be very helpful in pushing you towards a thought process of relieving the tension that’s around you. If not these, something else will work for you however you will put an effort to find out what will.

So. Thank You My Dear Friend.... My Best wishes to you all.. and.. Again. Bapu Kehnda.. Tension Nahi Laini.. :-D


  1. I likeeee this....grt way to have situations under control. Although a bit tough to make it work at times..but the approach is better than worrying itself!

  2. :-D .. Yeah.. Of course.. Not always works.. But still anything is better than hitting the other guy with a baseball bat.. :-P
