Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday.. The Day !!

Get up at 11 AM (Which SUCKS when the alarm is for 3:30 PM) .. Think.. Think.. And Think Some more. What Am I going to do today.. Should I watch some The Big Bang Theory.. Or Should I finish the pending episodes of The Mentalist, Supernatural, Castle, or House.. or.. Simply lazy around in the amazing quilt and sleep some more..

The dilemma continues for a few minutes.. (Or Was it a few Hours.. dun really recall now).. But Finally.. I decide that i have a few movies which I can see.. Open the app on my mobile.. The Book My Show app.. Checked out the show timings and Bham !! I have a movie I can watch.. Women In Black .. Starring Daniel Radcliffe (The Harry Potter Guy :-D)

Got ready.. At Blazing fast speeds.. and rushed to the theater.. (In the Process of getting ready and leaving the house.. I even leave my dinner.. and got scolding for it from popsy).. Reached there on time and bought ticket and started the movie (The Review coming up soon.. In the next post).

So.. Thats how a Monday starts.. Usually.. every Monday starts like this. Its The Day. FunDu Day. I don't hate Mondays. I usually love Dem.. Unusually.. But yeah.. Thats who I am.


  1. Quite an unusual start to's a mournday fr me sometimes :P

    1. Lol.. Mournday.. AMAZING !! However I somehow like Mondays, All the excitement to go to work. I usually look forward to Mondays, To watch that missed movie, or to just catch up with whats happening at work. I like it.. :-). May not happen in the future though.. :-D ..
