Sunday, February 19, 2012

Who I Am !!

Well.. That’s a tough one to answer. Who am I.. Why am I here.. and What Am I here for.. I have been trying to figure this out for a loong time now, nd didn't really come up with a very gud answer yet. So I will continue to search and do more research on this topic. In the mean time I will share what I have identified till now.

I am a human being - Oh yeah !!..That's for sure. The un deniable fact, I am not a droid, I am not an alien species. and I can clearly say that I am not a thing.. I am a human being. 
I am Dipen Verma - Well.. This is debatable.. I am Dipen Verma because my parents chose to call me Dipen Verma. I didn’t pick that name, Well.. I was about 20 days old.. So Of course i would not have the option to choose nd pick my name.. (I wish I had though.. :-)) but yeah.. that’s what my name is.. Dipen Verma
I am a Gadget Freak - Well.. That’s what I really Am. A Gadget Guy..  I like Gadgets.. In fact.. I just LUV gadgets.. Phones.. Tabs.. Gimmme Anything electronic nd you have my attention. I want to be the Know It All guy. Always use something unique and different as a gadget. Always helpful in solving queries and I love doing it.. 
I am a Listener - And a very good one apparently.. I don’t say it, people around me say it about me. I listen.. i analyze.. and I DO NOT judge.. and provide with suggestions (Not Solutions).. People like talking to me and I like talking to people around me. 

Now That U know Who I Am !! In the next we will talk about what I do.. and What I really wanna do :-)

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