Thursday, February 7, 2013

Long Time... No See...

Well..  Its indeed been a long time since I have written anything, I have been so busy doing nothing that I just didn't get time to write, let alone write, I didn't even get time to visit my Blog. Oh Yeah !! You got it right.. Doing Nothing kept  me so damn busy. You don't believe me !! , Go start doing nothing and you will see. You get into a routine of doing nothing, The thought process itself is so tiring that it drains you by the time the sun goes down, and post that its a never ending struggle between your Watching TV or Going to bed early, and usually, the going to bed early wins the battle.. especially if you are residing in Delhi, in the winter months.

Well.. A lot happened in these months the highlights being me getting my PS3 replaced, Moving out of the house and taking up an independent accommodation, a lot of cooking, a few of my friends getting married and blah blah blah.. and a lot of other cool and not so cool, relevant/Irrelevant things that made a significant impact on the day to day living of this insignificant character.

Independence is a good feeling.. Not always.. but most of the time, it brings along the freedom of doing things your way, setting up of the infrastructure the way you need/want it to be, eating/drinking/sleeping on your time and schedule. Though it brings with it the well known daemons like, loneliness  detachment, Increased smoking, getting freedom to watch too much porn (I am counting this as a negative).. etc etc etc.. In a nut shell, its good, even with all the daemons,

One should experience it, The Independence , if not permanently, definitely for some time. It teaches you the importance of your time, your actions, your loved ones and I would even say that it brings you closer to your loved ones. When I was staying with my folks, I don't even remember when was the last time I had  a good healthy conversation with them. All i used to do was, Get in the house, bolt into my room, and get busy with my gadgets. Get in, Eat, Sleep, Get out.. was my routine. Now, whenever I go home, Even if its for 2 - 4 hours, That time is completely spent in a conversation with my folks, we discuss anything and everything under the sun, and I dun have to worry about getting in my room and playing with my gadgets  That is our time, lovely time and even they are happy, and even closer to me. So, a little distance, may bring people closer to each other. Rest, it depends on the setting to setting, family to family, person to person, situation to situation........

Well.. Moving On.. .. In fact . That is all for now.. I will hopefully.. catch up with you soon .. hopefully.. and the title will not be.. Long Time... No See.. !! :-).. Next Time.. May be will tell you about my cooking endeavors.. :-D.. With Pictures !!  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

“Only worry in the world is the tide gonna reach my chair”

The above line is from a song by “Zac Brown Band” and the song is called “Knee Deep”. 

You Tube Link: 

And I am gonna quote the punch line from the song:-

“Wishing I was knee deep in the water somewhere
Got the blue sky breeze and it don't seem fair
Only worry in the world is the tide gonna reach my chair...
Sunrise there's a fire in the sky
Never been so happy
Never felt so high
And I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise”

I kinda fell in love with the song the very first time I heard it. Its a kind of a country number and it really grows on you. It makes me think, it makes me go to that stage of my life where i try to put myself in his shoes and think, Am I capable enough to ever come to this stage where, I am sitting on a beach and the only worry I have in my life is that the tide is gonna reach my stage.

This is a place, I believe, every one of us should be going to, every once in a while and dream about. This should act as a motivation to all of us and should eventually become our goals. All the materialistic things are okay, they are fine... achieve them, get over with everything, however sometime, some day that rat race should stop and we should come to this stage where we do not have to reply to that urgent phone call, that very very important email that the client needs or finish some pending work.

Also, mentioning the “Self Actualization” concept proposed by Maslov’s needs theory. How long can we be motivated by some”thing”. We would eventually move on to something else, what after we have achieved everything that we deem important for our survival, how soon can we reach there and do we ever realize that we are there and there is nothing more that can motivate us? I try to answer these questions, and frankly I am no where close to that stage yet. But I wanna reach there, soon.. so that I can enjoy that worry free time.

Think about it. How cool it will be when you are sitting on a beach, and the only worry you have in the whole world is that the tide should not reach your chair. WOW !! Just thinking about this gives me Goosebumps.   This is MY motivation, my Goal, My Vision... And again.. A Food For Thought for you... :-)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Importance of “I Like You”…

We get so busy in our “I Love You” s that we forget the importance “I Like You” in our lives. Have you ever thought about it, that how many times do we actually use Like instead of Love in our conversations. In My Opinion, Love is a over hyped, over used, over said word which sometimes does not really convey the real meaning that we want to put forward. We use it so many times that we start saying it just for the heck of it.

We say I love you to our partner, parents, cousins, friends and many others and we say it so casually that it misses the mark many of the times. Do we actually love them all? Do we actually mean it ? Are we thinking about the actual feeling that “I Love You” will convey when its said just like that.  Food for thought.

Now comes the real question, I Like You, How many times have we ever told our partner that We like something which they did, Our Dearest friend that we Like what he/she has just done for us. Or simply that we like spending time with someone. Or a simple.. "I Like You".. Try it, It feels good, and it has a very clear meaning.

I believe that “I Like You” is much more powerful than I love you.  You might love your parents, your partner, your cousins but think about it, do you really like them too.. and do you like them all, the same way you like that one person with whom you spend most of your time. I am not even going into the relationships or marriage. It’s just the matter of conveying your message clearly.

 Try using the phrase and see the difference it brings to your life, your relationships. Again, it’s a food for thought.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

This Means War – My Review

Buy your popcorns, get In the theatre, get over with a few trailers and the movie begins, and WHAM you are right in the middle of the action. The movie gets you going right from scene 1.

The story is simple however still innovative and fresh. It’s about 2 Spies, 2 Amazing friends who fall in love with a same girl and (mis)use their available spy resources to win over the girl and make sure the other does not score well. Somewhere in the middle there is the CIA angle of a killer on the loose which provides the room for all the amazing action sequences.

Now that’s where this movie is different from all the other usual RomComs, This has everything, Comedy, Romance, a lil bit of Drama, Amazing Action and you don’t feel left out even for a minute. And comedy.. OMG.. Its like.... really.. in true sense... LOL, and you will laugh your guts out at the dialogues and situations.  Yes.. It’s that good. 

 I have no clue why critics rated this movie with such a low rating, may be(Guessing) it challenged their intelligence a little bit and they just couldn’t take it ;-). Or maybe they started thinking about morals and said “Hey.. Why are these guys using Govt resources to track a girl, isn’t that illegal.. or unethical”.. Guys.. It’s supposed to be an ENTERTAINER, treat it like that. Don’t get emotional about the govt recourses. Have a lil fun, laugh out loud clear your lungs a little bit.. That’s what most movies are for. The comedy is situational and amazingly done.  

Chirs Pine (The Start Trek Guy) is an amazing actor, he is spontaneous, he is funny, he is gorgeous and adorable. Tom Hardy (The Other Guy) also has done an amazing job, Reese Witherspoon has grown old, they might have taken a younger actor in her place, nevertheless she is okay and provides the platform for these guys to fight it out:-D. The action sequences are surprisingly decent, though some of you might thing some of them are a little over done, and I would again remind you.. ENTERTAINMENT.. Just Remember.. ENTERTAINMENT.. LOL.. :-D.

Overall.. I really really enjoyed the movie. 1.5 hrs of almost nonstop LOL and the only thing I hated was the Interval.. :-D.  Go Watch it..

Parental Advisory: Inappropriate for kids mainly due to Dialogues, Sexual references/graphics and some action sequences.

Rating – 4 / 5 Stars

Friday, March 16, 2012

Struggling .... When Life Fucks With Your Mind..

What am I doing with my life. I just do not understand, Where am I going, Is it what I really want to do. I am confused, I am stuck, I am frustrated. I ask people to tell me things that I can do, I do a few, I ignore a few.. and then., I am back to square one. People  tell me I am good at writing.. I write.. and then.. I stop.. I keep on searching for things to do, but what is  that 1 thing that gives me the high. How do I find that? How do I look for that one thing  that will give me a kick..That Will keep me going .. My Job sucks.. My Work is not giving me a high, its boring and monotonous. No scope for improvement there, I wish to do more.. but nothing more I can do on that front. I wish I just new and one day I get a dream and it tells me EXACTLY what I should be doing. I hate this phase of my life.

You think you have figured out your life to the T, however one thing can change it.. drastically.. One step here and there and your life is completely off tracks.. that's what has happened here. Now.. I am seriously thinking of taking a trip.. I would just pack my bags and leave.. No Planning.. No Thinking.. Just Bloody take the first bus/train and leave.. Yeah.. May be I should do that.. May be that will give me a high.. or atleast some excitement, something new. But again.. My WORK.. Bloody WORK does not allow me to do even that. This Sucks.. But Today I promise myself.. I will do it.. Work or No Work.. I will go and take a Vacation.. I need one.. and sooon.. Insane stuff.. Ya.. Feels like am going insane.. bloody hell.. I need a break from Insanity.. I need a break from myself...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Happiness...What... How... When... Where!!

The Master Key

Is there a key to happiness? I keep on pondering and wondering on the thought. What is happiness? How do we achieve it? And more importantly if we achieve it how do we know we have achieved it?

In the next few paragraphs, I am just going to give you the food for your thoughts and nothing else. And may be raise more questions than actually provide answers and just give you my 2 cents on the topic.

Sleeping Doggies on a Cold Night
Let’s start with the key to happiness, personally for me; the key to my happiness is doing something which takes me away from the usual. Yupp... it’s that simple. I spend 10 - 12 hours at work doing the usual stuff, boring stuff, don’t really have a choice... Do I? So when I want to be happy, I do something different, something which I have not done before. A few weeks ago I tried Bowling, and I loved it, it was something that I never indulged into before and now that I think of it, those 2 hrs I spent in the bowling alley were actually amazing as it took my mind off whatever I was thinking. I was like a small kid who was just thrilled by that Strike and did a “High Five” after almost every good shot. For you, it might be as simple as taking a walk. My Funda... do something different and then see... Did it take your mind off off your usuals... did it provide you with something fresh to think about? Did u feel relaxed? We get so busy in our daily routines that we forget the unusuals. Try it. And see if you can come up with what your unusuals and tell me if you have your key to happiness.
Taking the question of "How Do I know When I am Happy" a little further. Many of us are so busy in the run-of-the-mill tasks that we don’t stop and see how that makes us feel. Have you ever thought that a simple task of walking barefoot on a beach or cracking a joke and make someone LOL makes you feel?? You might not have given it a thought at all, however the next time you do something like this. Stop and Think. I am sure you will get a different perspective. Think of the person next to you and he might get inspired by you to do the same.

Service With a Smile
Continuing on the "Stop-n-Think" strategy, I sincerely believe in it. Whenever you are doing something unusual, stop yourself after you complete the task and think. How does that make you feel, do you feel a little sense of satisfaction, a sense of self achievement, or it might just make you smile. Isn’t that happiness? And these things if done again and again, and multiplied by their sheer number of occurrences, will make you a happier person? Just look at the guy on the right. He is just giving bhuttas, on a cold winter day, and just look at his amazing smile, he looks happy from within. Again... Food for thought... and Open for discussion...

Happiness should be in oneself, it cannot be chased, or should I say, should not be chased. IMHO, Happiness is accepting your flaws and not worrying too much about what the other person thinks of you or your deeds. There are million or zillions things that can be said about happiness, what matters is, what makes you happy? What makes you click? What makes you bring that million dollar smile on your face which can simply brighten up your day as well as the day of people in your vicinity? Think about it...and then live it... and...Very Importantly.. Stay Happy!! :-)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jodi Breakers – My Review

I don’t know where to start, the movie is wrong on so many levels. Let’s have a little background first.  The movie is about a guy - Sid (Maddy) who gets divorced and gets into the business of getting the unhappy couples out of their marriages and avoiding the alimony by putting the guilty party to test. He himself loses his prized procession (His Beloved Audi) as alimony. In the due course, he meets Sonali (Bipasha) who becomes his business partner and helps him do the same task efficiently.

Now with this background, I think that the subject provided a good masala for a 2 hr movie and the director should be able to do justice to this story-line. However, this one failed miserably.

As mentioned above, the movie suffers from a lot of wrongs. Bad editing, below average music, very very bad dialogues, below average acting coupled with some very sloppy dubbing. These things just put you off right from the beginning and you lose interest.

Bipasha still has not accepted that she cannot act; she is just good in those fitness videos and should stick to those. Maddy, though has done a decent job in acting, is looking fat and I mean really fat and does not deserve this role(Sorry Hai Jee for the Maddy’s Die Hard Fans) and the dialogues are written keeping in mind that you are a 10 year old kid who needs explaining after each and every act.

Omi has been stereotyped into the same 3 Idiot kinda role, though his jokes are somewhat funny, they get to you after sometime and start putting you off. However, he is still the saving grace as others will fail miserably at their job.

The other decent part of the movie is Milind Soman and Dipannita. Milind has done a decent job and Dipannita is looking way better then Bipasha and has done justice to her small however significant role. I really liked her in this movie.

The director thought that putting good looking women in skimpy clothes in the starting song sequences can make the movie run, Well, I am sorry Mr Director, you thought wrong. Today’s intelligent audience is looking for a mature plot with a good storyline and dialogues which gives their intellect some boost. Though, skimpy and scantily clothed women are always welcome :-D, however you can’t run  your movie based on them:-P.

The Greece sequences are picturesque and otherwise screenplay still keeps you a little bit interested and also keeps you distracted from the other non interesting stuff (Read.. Everything Else).

My Verdict – If you have nothing else to do on your weekend, are as so bored sitting at home that you would kill the neighbour's cat, I would still say that kill the cat and stay at home. Dont watch this movie. Yes. Its that bad. (Unless you want to look like the guy on the left :-P)

Rating : 1 Star (Barely)/5 Stars